Testing Anxiety – Preparing for State Testing

What is Testing Anxiety?
While it’s completely normal to feel a bit nervous before a test, some learners find test anxiety debilitating. Racing thoughts, inability to concentrate, or feelings of dread can combine with physical symptoms like a fast heartbeat, headache, or nausea.

How Can I Prepare for State Testing?
1. Realize that there are practice tests available and use them not only to work on your test-taking but also to practice controlling your anxiety level. If you’re afraid of not being able to finish the exam in time, use timed practice questions.

2. Remind yourself of past successes. You can do it!

3. Visualize completing the test successfully despite your anxiety.

4. Get a good night’s sleep for several days before the exam. With adequate sleep, your ability to think clearly and deal with anxiety will improve.

5. High anxiety can increase with high consumptions of caffeine. Try to avoid over-caffeinating on the day of the exam.

6. Eat a nutritious breakfast before the test and pack smart snacks for ongoing energy. Look for foods that offer a steady stream of nutrients, rather than a sugar high followed by a crash.

7. Feeling rushed will only amp up the anxiety. Prepare everything you need for the exam the night before and set your alarm.