Student Support Spotlight: Kathy Tempco


Hello! My name is Kathy Tempco. I was born in LA, raised in Palmdale/Lancaster and moved to San Diego to obtain my Bachelors in Psych at SDSU and Masters in Counseling at National University. I’ve worked in education for the last 16 years and this is my 5th school year with iLead. I started as a Student Support Counselor (k-12) and am now supporting counselors on all sites as a Regional Coordinator. When I’m not working I enjoy spending time with my family and being active! My faith is strong and I find my peace outdoors. Especially in the mountains!


In regards to this month’s GOALS theme, I was reminded of the current book our leadership team is reading- Rising Strong by Brene Brown. She states that, “Rising Strong is the same process whether you’re navigating personal or professional struggles.” I related this to the mountains I’ve physically, personally, and professionally climbed. They all started with a plan/vision in my heart and when I took them a step further and wrote the goals down, they came to fruition every single time. Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at the Dominican University of California conducted a study that found that people are 42% more likely to obtain their goals and dreams simply by writing them down. I encourage everyoneto dream, envision yourself obtaining those dreams, write them down and revisit them often.

                               “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so that he who reads it may RUN.” Habakkuk 2:2