Is There Something I’m Forgetting?

Is There Something I’m Forgetting? – the back to school checklist

If we are being honest, getting back into the routine of school can be a bit overwhelming – for the whole family! To ease the transition, we’ve put together a checklist to hopefully make things easier.

  • Establish routines early: this spans from bedtimes to extra activities as structure improves planning and expectations
  • Make a list of important dates: align all the calendars so nothing gets missed!
  • Talk with your learner about expectations: What are you hoping to see this school year, what are their goals and how are they feeling about all the things?!
  • Designate a study place: a quiet area, ample surface space, and supplies within reach can go a long way in supporting yearly academic progress
  • Create a checklist for your learner: maybe it’s the morning routine, maybe it’s their virtual session schedule, maybe it’s house expectations – but lists can serve as excellent step-by-step reminders. (plus, who doesn’t love a good list in their life!)
  • Plan for FUN! Plan to be involved! Enjoy the days as they seem long, the years are short and will go by all too quickly!