Dyslexia & Dyscalculia

Understanding Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a neurological condition that affects language processing, particularly reading. Individuals with dyslexia may struggle with decoding words, recognizing sight words, and reading fluently.

Characteristics of Dyslexia

  1. Difficulty with phonological processing
  2. Poor spelling and writing skills
  3. Challenges with reading comprehension

Support for Dyslexia

  1. Multi-sensory instruction: Engage senses — such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic — to reinforce learning.
  2. Assistive technology: text-to-speech, audiobooks, speech recognition software
  3. Extended time for tasks

Understanding Dyscalculia

Dyscalculia is a learning difference that affects mathematical skills. Those with dyscalculia might have difficulty with understanding numerical concepts, performing calculations, and grasping mathematical reasoning.

Characteristics of Dyscalculia

  1. Difficulty with number sense
  2. Challenges with mathematical operations
  3. Poor sense of time and spatial concepts

Support for Dyscalculia

  1. Concrete, hands-on learning: Manipulatives and real-world examples
  2. Visual aids
  3. Use of technology, such as apps designed to enforce math concepts with engaging and interactive activities